Packed with juicy features
… and still amazingly simple to use.

Complete NPS® solution
A turn-key solution for the Net Promoter Scoresm framework. Works perfectly on SaaS products, content sites, ecommerce stores or any other website & installs in under 5 minutes.

Beautiful survey design & UX
A survey designed to call attention and extract the best possible feedback from your customers. Engineered using the best practices recommended by the creators of the NPS framework.

Completely customizable
Works in any language – or even use your own copy and customize the survey text according to your target audience.
TIP: A great way to maximize valuable insights is to create custom follow-up questions based on the visitor’s rating.

Segment NPS results
Not all of our clients are the same. Drill-down NPS results based on specific visitor traits, such as:
Plan Type
Client Size
Features Used
Or any other characteristic you see valuable.

React immediately
React immediately to negative feedback. Get a real-time email every time a user leaves an open feedback. Direct different types of feedback to different email accounts, example Detractors to the CEO.

Intelligent feedback elicitation
Our semantic text analysis feature interprets open feedback in real-time, and persuades visitors to elaborate on their perceptions and send the best possible feedback.

NPS data in your Analytics platform
Although our dashboard has complete NPS reports – we don’t want to force your team to add another dashboard to analyze data. So we play very well with other analytics platforms, pushing our data automatically to the major analytics platform available.

Leverage promoters
When a user rates your product as a promoter we ask them to immediately talk about your brand. No better time to ask your fans for help to get the word out then right after they committed their loyalty to your website.